
Fake proof of payment scammer convicted

Vanderbijlpark police have secured a conviction of a suspect who was arrested for fraud after defrauding two victims.

According to police spokesperson Sgt Gertrude Makhale it is alleged that the suspects defrauded the victims by pretending to be buying property from unsuspecting victims who advertised on Facebook of selling their vehicles.

Makhale said the suspect would send false proof of payment statement and the victim will take the vehicle to the suspect as he\she will believe that the suspect has deposited the money.

“The suspect will inform the victims that he wants the car to be delivered or he will collect the car before the victims realise that there is no money in their accounts.”

The convicted suspect Mr. Thipe was sentenced on two counts of Fraud on: Count 1 – 5 years direct imprisonment, count 2 – 5 years direct imprisonment, 3 years of count 2 will run concurrently with sentence in count 1.

Vanderbijlpark Station Commander Brigadier Nikiwe Hoaeane said this conviction came at the right time as the community is defrauded every day on social media.

“Although we warn the public of these scammers, we still have cases that are being opened of public members who keep falling for these scammers\ defrauders.” She applauded Sgt. Radebe for his good work.

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