SPCA takes in over 50 stray animals on New Year’s day

In what the Vereeniging and Vanderbijlpark SPCA has described as “not such a great end to 2021, nor a great start to 2022,” the SPCA said it has taken in over 50 stray animals on New Year’s day alone and the numbers continued to rise.

On 31 December 2021, Vereeniging and Vanderbijilpark sounded like a war zone with fireworks going off left, right and center.

The animal welfare organisation said this was disastrous for their animal friends. Their emergency phone received on call after the other for animals in distress.

“Many calls about animals running frantically down the road trying to find a place of safety to hide from the loud bangs. Sadly some found themselves stuck in palisades, jumped through glass windows and list goes on… This is all thanks to fireworks.”

The start of 2022 saw the SPCA staffers busy cleaning up the aftermath of the events that took place.

“Since the loud bangs started, we have taken in over 50 stray animals on New Year’s day alone.”

Our emergency phone continues to ring off the hook. Where will it end?”

During the month of December the animal welfare organisation took in over 1000 stray and unwanted animals.

“Every year we see a spike in stray and unwanted pets due to their owners going away on holiday and no longer wanting their pets (being too selfish to spend money on boarding or a pet sitter) or others simply dumping their once loved pets as it is easier taking them to the SPCA.”

The SPCA says some even not batting an eyelid when they inform the SPCA staff “we are going away on holiday. We have no one to look after Chucky and this leaves us with no choice to to hand him over to the SPCA. He is a very sweet dog. We will come re-adopt him in the new year when we are back if he is still here.”

The animal welfare organisation says they see terrible cases of animal abuse and neglect.

“We never say no to any animal coming through our doors, even if the only thing we can offer is humane euthanasia. At least we know the animal will no longer be suffering.”

We are calling on our supporters to please report any misplaced or distressed animals that require our assistance by calling our emergency number on 082 292 5862. Our team has been working non-stop to help so many animals in distress.”

Any donations to the upkeep of these animals, medical bills and towards our fuel for driving up and down will be greatly appreciated as we are overwhelmed at the moment and any hop we can receive will be greatly appreciated.”

Here’s how you can make a much needed donation:

PayFast Donation: https://www.payfast.co.za/donate/go/spcavereeniging

EFT Donation:

Account name: Vereeniging SPCA

Account type: ABSA Savings Account

Account: 9258578888

Branch: Vereeniging

Branch code: 632005

Reference: Firework Aftermath and your surname

Snap Scan Donation: https://pos.snapscan.io/qr/4V_WSddT

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