Two more sluice gates to be opened at Vaal Dam today

It is expected that a third sluice gate will be opened at 10H00 today (January 3, 2022) and a fourth at 11H00. The Vaal Dam level currently stands at 110.41%.

Mrs Rosemary Anderson, National Chairperson of The Federated Hospitality Association of South Africa (FEDHASA), this morning informed concerned parties that the outflow from Vaal Dam will be increased by the opening of two more sluice gates.

Currently only two gates are open but the implications of opening two more today, will considerably add to the flow, so anyone with their boat moored at their jetties would probably need to strengthen their boats’ moorings. “If it is easy to take your boat out – that might be safer, advises Mrs Anderson.
With two additional gates open at Vaal Dam, the outflow will be about 600m3/s 9tbc by DWS). Add to that the Klip- and Suikerbos Rivers’ flow into the Barrage it probably means another 100-200m3/s

“At worst case this is 800 m3/s through the Barrage, which is about maximum capacity before the level will start to rise,” says Mrs Anderson.

At 600m3/s it means that an Olympic size swimming pool is released from Vaal Dam every 4 seconds.
It is expected that a third sluice gate will be opened at 10H00 today (January 3, 2022) and a fourth at 11H00. The Vaal Dam level currently stands at 110.41%.

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