Miss International South Africa finalist

Dikeledi Mokwane (25) from Bophelong has been chosen as one of the finalists for the 2021 Miss International South Africa.

BOPHELONG. – Mokwane is a Marketing Management Graduate and currently furthering her studies in Logistics Management.

“Through this platform I wish to inform people about the importance of education. I believe education is a passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today,” says the local beauty.

Mokwane is not only passionate about education but she also believes in giving back to the community.

“As a founder of Okwakho foundation, I understand the value of education in our society. We therefore seek to address the inequalities that the youth are faced with by hosting regular career expos, informing the youth about different career opportunities available to them while assisting them to apply to universities and different bursaries.

“I believe in keeping our youths’ minds active and agile and assisting top performing students from underprivileged communities.”

Mokwane says that she hopes young girls from the Vaal triangle will be inspired in seeing that people from disadvantaged backgrounds exist and are making their mark in society.

“I hope that reading this will spark something in young people and inspire them to dream bigger and aim higher.”

The crowning takes place on 12 December.  

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