Is this why many drive with unlawful documents?

How is it possible that a department, that is responsible for licensing the nation, can only assist the public ONE day a week? And only SIX clients? If it is the case that they can only assist on Mondays, surely, they can display some sort of communication or notice?

The past two weeks have been expensive and very tiresome. My daughter turned 16 and as I am trying to raise a law-abiding citizen, I need her to get her learners license for her motorcycle before she can ride it.
I collected my license from the Sasolburg Traffic Department on 26 August 2021.
While there, I made an enquiry about applications for a learner’s permit and was told that I can bring her in as soon as she turns 16, and that we can use her passport and birth certificate as she does not have an ID yet.
She turned 16 on Tuesday, 31 August 2021. On 1 September, we sat in the queue from 06:00 just to be told at 08:00 that they only handle applications on a Monday. On 2 September, we went to Parys and sat in the queue for two hours, only to be told that my daughter may not use her passport and that she needs to have an ID.
So, I drove to Sasolburg Traffic Department, went in and questioned them about the passport, and they confirmed that she may apply for her learners permit with her passport.
On 6 September, a Monday, my daughter and I went to Sasolburg Traffic Department, sat in the queue from 06:00, and we were fourth in line.
As we were waiting, people started to arrive and just stood in front of us, (please note that we are a woman and child, and that I had no control about the men that cut the line).
Around 07:20, a lady came out and informed us that they only make six (yes SIX) appointments per day and that the rest should return on another day.
I tried to reason with her and asked her why only six, and if only six, that we should be helped as we were there before most of the people.
She gave me very bad attitude and just said she did not care and could not help us.
How is it possible that a department, that is responsible for licensing the nation, can only assist the public ONE day a week? And only SIX clients? If it is the case that they can only assist on Mondays, surely, they can display some sort of communication or notice?
I now understand why so many people in South Africa is gaining their documents (learners and drivers licenses) unlawfully.
This is completely unacceptable to say the least.
I truly hope that someone, somewhere can give me some clarification about what is going on in the public sector.
I pay my taxes, I keep my driver’s license and my vehicle license up to date, and I am trying to keep the faith in a corrupt, unsupportive, and lazy government, but this is ridiculous.
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