Suiderlig learners involved in charity project

”We want to make a difference in our community especially to the less fortunate people."

VANDERBIJLPARK.- Reabetswe Pooe (17) and Lungile Mokhele (17) are two young students who make a difference in their community. These Suiderlig High School grade 11 learners help homeless people in the town of Vanderbijlpark by giving them food. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, these young ambitions learners said that with the profit they make in trading they decided to help those less fortunately giving them food. These two told Sedibeng Ster that they were inspired by one of the celebrities, Bi Phakathi on YouTube and they decided to do something for the less fortunate people in their area. ”We want to make a difference in our community especially to the less fortunate people. We don’t have to wait to work to help others because we can help now even though we are still at school. I know some of our school and classmates think we are crazy, but this is what we want to do. We saw this from one of the celebraties on You Tube and we decided to copy the idea. Our parents support us because they also feel it is a great idea to help those in need. “We agree that with the money that we make in trading we can do something for those people who are in need. Look, some of us are very fortunate because we still have parents who care about us, but what about those who can’t afford? For those people in the street it is not as if they want to live the life they are living. They are forced by the circumstances, and we must listen to their stories because we can learn a lot from them,” said Pooe. Pooe further said that they want to make this project a big success, helping more people in the Sedibeng communities. He told Sedibeng Ster that every time he goes to food restaurants with his parents, he becomes emotional to see the homeless people looking for food in dustbins or asking for food in the streets. The pair said that they welcome any form of assistance from the people who are interested to come on board.  

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