Sonlandpark residents left high and dry

"If we are not battling with battling with electricity problems in Sonlandpark, then it's the water pipes that are bursting".

These are the word of local resident Debrah-Leigh (Debbie) Holtzhausen. She along with other residents are fed-up.

On Friday  3 September Sondlandpark was once again without electricity. The reason was traced to a cable fault in front of Debbie’s yard.

“The workers started digging and by 17:30 they hit a water pipe and stopped working. We had no water and asked our ward 45 leader when our water would be switched back on. Her reply was after they switched the electricity back on.”

Later that night the electricity was switched back on. They waited for the water to be switched on too, but no such luck. On Monday 6 September their ward 45 leader informed residents that Metsi was on strike.

This means that the residents affected are still left high and dry. “We feel we are being stripped from our human rights. Water is running down the street due to the burst waterpipe, but several households have no water”.

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