
Family’s dignity restored by Good Samaritans

The dignity of a young Sharpeville family was restored recently after Good Samaritans came to their rescue.

SHARPEVILLE. – This comes after they lost everything in a fire that left them with only the clothes on their backs after their four-room shack was destroyed with all their possessions.

Yet Reitumetse Kocha and her husband are just grateful that they and their two children are alive and survived the ordeal.

The Kocha family recently received a pleasant surprise from an organisation called Gracious Ladies which aims to help the community whenever the need arises.

Daphney Mahlatsi from Gracious Ladies said: “We started out as a stokvel savings group and we pursued many projects on the side. We then decided to start an organisation to help people who are struggling, especially those living in informal settlements including families that have been stranded.

“When the pandemic started, we were even more driven to help the community.

“We saw a need in the community as many people were struggling with the most basic necessities such as food.”

Pinky Maboye, a member of the organization said: “There was a reason behind this. We were really touched after hearing what happened to this young family and we thought it best to reach out and lend a helping hand.

“We were then forced to come to this home after they lost all their belongings. We brought them a bed, dishes, blankets, a headboard, clothes and a lounge suite.”

According to the women, they hope their gesture will help the young family to live a normal life again so that they can move forward from the terrible ordeal.

The women further asked the community to pledge any materials that would help rebuild the family a new shack.

Kocha said: “I’m so grateful for everything Gracious Ladies have done for me. I now see light and the end of my suffering. What they have done for us is incredible, and we truly appreciate it.”

Anyone interested in helping out the family can contact Gracious Ladies on 0792224607 or 0644789756

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