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Clearing alien vegitation and promoting underground water conversation

The Ash River feeds into the Vaal Dam, which is Rand Water’s main abstraction point.

SEDIBENG.-  The Rand Water Foundation recently announced that has partnered with the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and Environment to eradicate alien vegetation along the Ash River in the Free State Province.
The Ash River feeds into the Vaal Dam, which is Rand Water’s main abstraction point.
“The alien plants have negative effects on the environment, whilst at the same time absorbing immeasurable amounts of water. The plants also promote the intensity and spread of veld fires; damage agricultural produce and contribute towards soil erosion. Certain alien plants are poisonous and known to rapidly increase in number.”
Rand Water Foundation said that some of the advantages of the project include the promotion of efficient underground water resource management; enhancing water security by regaining control over alien plants; and improved ecological integrity of the natural systems.

The Foundation further said that it began work on the Clearing of Alien Vegetation Project in 2013, and thus far, has removed 12 000 hectares of alien vegetation.
The Foundation has contracted 12 local Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) to assist in executing the project.
Partnership with the SMMEs has created 236 temporary jobs in the fields of Application of Herbicides; Identification of Alien Vegetation; Geographic Information System (GPS) mapping; Chainsaw Operations; and Health and Safety.

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