
Slater’s legacy will live forever

VANDERBIJLPARK.- Bill Slater (77), born William Lavagna-Slater to parents John and Dorothy as the eldest of five was a true gentleman and leader.

Due to strict Covid-19 restrictions the Slater family decided to have a small memorial at home with only family present.
According to his family, he had an immense passion for health and fitness his entire life, which led to him and his brother, Doug, starting the Slater Gym Group.
Bill truly was one of the pioneers of the South African health and fitness industry and travelled the world putting South African bodybuilding on the map.
For many years Bill worked with the IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness) taking fitness teams to competitions all over the world.
Above all though, he loved working and being in the gyms.
He loved his staff and members, many of whom he considered family and he worked as hard as he always has, right up until the very end.
“There are many things to remember about Bill. He was our biggest cheerleader, so incredibly proud of every single thing we accomplished.
“He was born to be a father and grandfather, making every single occasion be it Christmas, birthdays, Easter ‘the best day ever’. We will remember his love of storytelling and how he always had a secret stash of liquorice and wine gums.
“We will remember the countless games of dominoes we played with him as children.
“We will remember the endless summer days spent swimming and eating litchis by the pool.
“We will remember how he loved feeding the birds in his garden and how there were few things loved more than spending time in the bush with his family.
“We will remember his passion for playing bowls.
“We will remember how he was the ultimate gentleman and his intense love for his community and all the people around him. We will remember how he was always there, solid and dependable,” says his grand daughter, Cayley Lavagna-Slater.
Bill will be sorely missed by many people; his family, friends, members, staff.
“We will miss his infectious laugh, his absolute love of life and how he would always make the best cups of tea.
“We will miss all the wonderful times we had together as a family and the memories we are so fortunate to have”.
Bill leaves behind his wife, Vicky, his three children and six grandchildren, as well as all the many people in his life who knew and loved him.
“We will forever keep him in our memories and hearts.
Bill was one of the best men we’ve ever known, and we will always be so grateful to have had him in our lives and everything he has ever done for us”.

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