
Father’s Day Competition: He is my strength, my shoulder to lean on

This is one of the entries for Ster and Vaalweekblad’s Father's Day competition. The winners will be announced on July 7th. The prizes that can be won are a weekend at the bushveld farm, Africa Silks Farm; A cruise and meal for 4 people from Stonehaven, a meal and car wash from Dros Vanderbijlpark, and a meat hamper from La Oma Butchery! To enter, send a photo and a paragraph about your dad or husband, as well as your name to 076 454 9256 by 27 June 2021.

My Dad, He is the best father I’ve ever had, he is always there for me and my kids, he is my strength, my shoulder to lean on, whenever I go through something in life, he is my advisor, my protector. He was there when I was in college, paid for my fees, when I got married, divorced, when I had a premature baby. I will move mountains for him. And guess what, people are surprised when I tell them his is actually my Stepfather, you wouldn’t know if I don’t tell you because of the love we have for each other. I love you Dad – may you be blessed.


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