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“Please stop harassing me”: ECD owner

“The next time they come it will not only be paint or a burning tyre.”

SEBOKENG.- The Owner and Principal of Little Judy’s Day Care Centre, an Early Child Development Centre (ECD, creche) in Zone 10 Extension 3, Sebokeng is begging whoever is causing damage to the centre to stop.

The Principal, Manana Phele recently called Sedibeng Ster to witness damage that had been caused to the walls of her crèche in Wessels Mota Street. The incident apparently took place in the early hours of last Tuesday during electricity load-shedding. A yellow paint had been thrown on the walls, which normally decorates most crèches, painted with different cartoon characters and colours. A tyre had also been left burning next to the walls, seemingly to burn the decorations off the wall. Phele said that this is not the first time that her crèche has been vandalized, and that last year the same thing also happened.

“I do not know what I have done to deserve this, whoever is doing this to me must come straight to me so that we sort whatever differences there might be,” pleaded Phele who runs the place unfunded with the help of her husband. So far the culprit/s have not yet tried to force their way into the yard, but this is what Phele fears the most.

“The next time they come it will not only be paint or a burning tyre,” said the distraught Phele.

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