VCA pickets against corrruption at ELM

"The people of Vaal deserve better in terms of water supply, electricity, roads maintenance and a clean environment conducive to their socio-economic development."

VANDERBIKLPARK.- The Vaal Consultative Assembly (VCA) in conjunction with SANCO, COSATU, SACP and other stake holders staged a picket at the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) head offices in Vanderbijlpark on Friday.

It is said that this anti-corruption picket was meant to send a message to the ELM that the Vaal community has had enough of is ‘shenanigans’.
Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, VCA’s Cassy Madikgetla said that they believe that the people of Vaal deserve better in terms of water supply, electricity, roads maintenance and a clean environment conducive to their socio-economic development.
Madikgetla further mentioned that corruption robs the people of these constitutionally promised goods and services.

“It is for that reason that we, during this period when the Emfuleni Municipality is failing to meet its side of social compact with the community, call for the following:
A freeze on tariff increase in previously advantaged areas until such time that there is satisfactory and acceptable improvements in service delivery by the municipality. We call for the municipality and community engagement on the suggested ‘flat rate’ approach, in the previous advantaged areas.
“We also call for the speedy improvement projects on the promised Dicksonpark, Vereeniging Taxi Rank, and the Evaton Renewal Projects (ERP). They need to be revived and pursued in earnest. The Special Investigative Unit (SIU), the Hawks, the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) and all law enforcement agencies to do their job and act on the Auditor General (AG) and other investigative reports linked to the case of corruption and irregular expenditures within the ELM. We also call for the community to act towards a better Vaal,” read VCA’s statement.

Madikgetla said they embarked on a symbolic picket to signal their resolve to action with less numbers taking into consideration the unfortunate COVID-19 situation in the Gauteng Province and the Emfuleni area. Madikgetla further said that this is a sign of warning to the municipality to take note that, “this is only the beginning of things to come”. He said that his organisation hopes that the municipality will see it fit to meet with VCA and other stakeholders within the next 14 days.
Madikgetla added, “We believe that the time for hoping for the best from the municipality is long overdue.
“As progressive partners, and in the interest of the community of the Vaal, we call upon all organisations and individuals to join us as we take responsibility for our beloved Vaal.”

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