Woman raped and shot during home invasion

The police in Vereeniging are on a manhunt for two African males who raped and shot a woman twice during a home invasion in Helena's Rust on Monday.

VEREENIGING. – According to Vereeniging police spokesperson Captain Fikile Funda, the woman was busy with her laundry when the two suspects arrived wielding a firearm. “It is alleged that the two men pushed the woman into the house, put her on the table and raped her.  They subsequently  shot her on the thigh and hand.” Funda states that that the men seized jewelry, an undisclosed amount of cash, televisions and other house hold items before fleeing the scene. Funda confirms that police are investigating a house robbery case docket. The victim was hospitalised following the incident. Members of the community are encouraged all crime related incidents to crime stop on 0800 10111 or use the MYSAPS  which can be downloaded on mobile phones.

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