Nine in custody for defrauding the City of Tshwane Municipality of millions

"The fight against looting of the municipality funds that cripple service delivery will continue until the perpetrators are prosecuted."

Nine suspects aged between 23 and 60 are appearing in the Pretoria Magistrates court this morning following their arrest yesterday in various parts of Gauteng.

The nine suspects were arrested for allegedly defrauding the City of Tshwane Municipality of millions.

It is alleged that in December 2019, R53 million was stolen from the municipality after the system was allegedly hacked.

Police spokesperson Colonel Katlego Mogale said: “Cash was transferred to different bank accounts including that of Ayakhula Trading. The former director of the company, Mr Sithole and Mr Wegrostek were arrested immediately after the fraudulent transaction.”

According to Mogale the Ayakhula Trading is also implicated in similar fraudulent act where an estimated R1 billion JSE Trustee account was targeted by this business syndicate, thanks to the Absa banker’s suspicions of irregularities. The alert action saw the National Task Team linking nine individuals to the attack on the municipality. They will be charged for fraud and corruption. T

hey will appear at the Pretoria Special Commercial Crimes Court joining Sithole and Wegrostek.

“The fight against looting of the municipality funds that cripple service delivery will continue until the perpetrators are prosecuted,”Mogale said.

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