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Corona makes boxers lives difficult

BOIPATONG.- Boipatong born IBO Junior Bantam and World Champion, Gideon Buthelizi says that boxers find it hard to get fights due to COVID-19 regulations. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sport, Buthelezi said his recent fight was cancelled due to lockdown, it was supposed to take place last December. Buthelezi said that it has become a growing …

BOIPATONG.- Boipatong born IBO Junior Bantam and World Champion, Gideon Buthelizi says that boxers find it hard to get fights due to COVID-19 regulations.

IBO Junior Bantam and World Champion, Gideon Buthelezi says that boxers find it hard to get fights due to COVID-19.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sport, Buthelezi said his recent fight was cancelled due to lockdown, it was supposed to take place last December. Buthelezi said that it has become a growing concern for the athletes in the industry, as income is generated solely comes from boxing matches, which is currently not allowed under lockdown, as well as the fact that several of the boxing promotions are funded by the government.
“ I don’t want to lie this pandemic has roughed up our lives. Last year was a difficult year for me as I also lost my mother. It was hard and I had to make means to give my mother a decent farewell. Fortunately for me there are some businesses that I’m persuading to provide for my family while waiting to know when the next fight will take place. I must say it is not easy without boxing because this means no income. Remember we rely on boxing fans to buy tickets but now they are not allowed to attend boxing matches. So as things stand, we are still clueless as to when we can be back in the ring. I miss being in the ring. Boxing is my life and without it, it is difficult to cope. I’m hoping for the best,” he told Sedibeng Ster Sport. Buthelezi is currently keeping himself busy by taking part in aerobics.

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