Boipatong women join Itireleng Task Team

BOIPATONG.- The women of Boipatong have taken action to improve the living conditions in their area, their health, and the environment at large as they have joined the Itireleng Task Team with the aim of making a difference in Boipatong. The Itireleng Task Team is a Non-Profit organization (NPO) that aims to clean up the …

BOIPATONG.- The women of Boipatong have taken action to improve the living conditions in their area, their health, and the environment at large as they have joined the Itireleng Task Team with the aim of making a difference in Boipatong.

The Itireleng Task Team is a Non-Profit organization (NPO) that aims to clean up the Boipatong area. Its members recently created a park for the community.
Apart from the park and cleaning projects, this organization also fixes damaged roads that are mainly used by taxis in the township.
Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, one of the women, Puleng Molejane said that they were inspired by the good job that the Itireleng Task Team men were doing, and they decided to join.
She said the only thing the organization was short of was the ‘strong’ hands of women.
“We couldn’t sit back and fold our arms when men from our area volunteered to clean our township. We decided to join them because they need (wo)manpower to make our township beautiful.
“As women our responsibility is not only in the kitchen. Things have changed and we have a role to play in the community. We want to thank the Itireleng Task Team for accepting us and we are committed to make a difference in Boipatong together with these committed men. They are not getting paid but look what they have done for our township, especially the dumping area that was next to Lebohang Secondary School. They turned that dumping site into a beautiful community park. Now old and young people of Boipatong have a place where they can go to relax or entertain themselves unlike in the past,” said Molejane.
Itireleng Task Team Spokesperson, Parks Mofokeng told Sedibeng Ster they are seeing growth in their organization as the women have joined them and encourage other communities to follow their lead.

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