Christmas comes early for 22 dogs

VEREENIGING. – Thanks to a very kind donor who donated just over R10 000 towards the Vereeniging & Vanderbijlpark SPCA sterilization campaign, they were able to sterilize 22 dogs from a poor and impoverished area.

“This means that we will be able to stop 132 unwanted puppies from being born in the next 6 months and 792 puppies in the next 12 months,” explains a spokesperson for the local SPCA.
The Vanderbijlpark and Vereeniging SPCAs have amalgamated in July 2015 and are fully operational under a single Management Committee. This positive step was taken at Special General Meetings. The Board of the National Council of SPCAs has expressed support for the venture. The decision was taken to maximise the use of resources and opportunities.
From the SPCA and all other animal lovers: THANK YOU  Mr Hirzebruch for your kindness and for seeing the importance of the sterilisation campaign.
Click here to read more about our sterilisation campaign and to make a donation –
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