Park Ford salutes star employee Salamina

VANDERBIJLPARK. - After 29 years of faithful service at Park Ford, colleagues have to say goodbye to a very loyal and popular employee, Mrs Salamina Ramoholi, who is now retiring.

Salamina (61) started working at Park Ford at the age of 32 – initially as a cleaner and later on she was put in charge of all the office refreshments. Eventually she became the team leader of all the cleaners and the refreshment team. “Salamina is incredibly loyal and has always been diligent on her post. I cannot remember a single day she was absent,” says Hilmar Rencken, Park Ford’s Dealer Principal. “She’s always friendly, ready with a smile, and her hands have always been ready for work, no matter what you ask her to do. Not to mention her delicious coffee! “Salamina exhibits excellent people skills and always made a positive contribution to the team. She will leave a big void in our midst but we wish her a pleasant retirement,” says Hilmar. Salamina plans to stay on in the Vaal Triangle and help her husband in his shop in Sebokeng.

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