
Saving Prickly the porcupine

VEREENIGING. - Residents of Comorant Street in Three Rivers had an exciting afternoon on Sunday after a huge porcupine was spotted running around in the street.

Local animal activist, Yvette Wilde who as luck would have it stays in Comorant Street, received a phone call from her neighbour Jacques about the exotic guest in the street.

Yvette knew a family of porcupines live in the culvert and realised the rain must have washed this one out.
“I ran up Cormorant Street in my Crocs with my Disney raincoat on, then up Hawthorne Street, then back down Hawthorne Street and back down Cormorant before we caught the bugger,” says Yvette.
Prickly the porcupine.
In the end the porcupine named Prickly by some of his “followers” saw to it that all involved got their exercise in for the day.
Yvette thanked all involved, especially Cheree from SPCA Vereeniging who was so helpful and willing.
The story has a happy ending as Prickly was let out of detention in the wildlife area adjacent to the suburb. Unharmed and happy to be home.
* The heroes of the day are Zonicka and Brett van Heerden, Jacques and Heidi Barkley, Yvette Wilde, Pieter and Chané, Martin from Post Net and Cheree from the SPCA.

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