Patients want better treatment at Bophelong Clinic

Ill treatment meted to out-patients, unfriendly staff and lack of adequate facilities are some of the complaints raised.

BOPHELONG.- Ill treatment meted to out-patients, unfriendly staff and lack of adequate facilities are some of the complaints raised by the Bophelong Service Delivery Movement (BSDM) members during their protest outside the Bophelong Clinic on Monday. Staff, nurses and doctors at the clinic were welcomed by angry community members holding placards at the main gate of the Bophelong Clinic demanding change on the above-mentioned issues. The residents said that they have had enough of the bad treatment experienced by patients at the clinic. “There’s no confidentially for patients as they are forced to disclose, publicly, their health status to the security guard and cleaning staff. Patients are basking on the hot sun while the staff cars are parked inside the premises’ shade.” Community members also said that patients queue from as early as 05:00, only to receive attention around 08:30. They also added that it is a common practice that the staff would have to finish drinking tea before attending to the patients, some in critical conditions. The clinic is said to cater for 500 000 residents but has one dentist. The residents said that once the dentist feels that she is tired, she knocks off. A memorandum was handed to the facility operational manager by two delegates. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, Christina Mohlamme, the clinic’s Facility Operational Manager, said that they will attend to the memorandum collectively as the management of the clinic. “We were not aware on some of their complaints. The patients have rights in terms of ‘Batho Pele’ principle to put their complaints forward.”

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