Three-month-old baby dies in fire

"At the time of the incident, the father was at work and the mother was visiting a neighbour. It is not yet known what might have caused the fire."

THE BARRAGE. – A three-month- old Malawian baby burnt to death in a suspected Arson incident on Saturday.

Police spokesperson warrant officer Tshegofatso Maliehe says, ” A Barrage Sector vehicle responded to a complaint of  an fire at a Farm in Dooringhoek.

On arrival at the scene members found a member of the Community Policing Forum (CPF)  who had already called the fire brigades.

During preliminary investigations, police found that the baby was left alone in the house

“At the time of the incident, the father was at work and the mother was visiting a neighbour. It is not yet known what might have caused the fire.”

The Sedibeng District Commissioner Major General Zodwa Molefe strongly warns the community against such negligence.

“Due to the high GBV incidents against women and children parents should be very careful and take extra care in ensuring  the safety of children”

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