
The lucky 8 winners: ‘No Ordinary Woman’ Competition

There are many women who think they nothing than ordinary, however, this is the furthest thing from the truth. In fact, they are quite extraordinary and through their strength, love and compassion touch many lives around them.

Carla de Villiers-Malan (Vaal Mall), Brandan Erxleben (Owner of The Styling Loft) and Renita Lombard (Renita Lombard Productions) created this competition to acknowledge women who always put others’ needs before their own. Eight lucky ladies were treated to a makeover during Women’s Month (August). They and their nominators were also treated to a  prize-giving lunch at Turn n Tender, Vaal Mall, on 30 August. The Vaal Mall Women’s Month Competition boasts prizes valued at R125 000 (R15 000 p/winner and R5000 for one lucky nominator). The lucky eight ladies are:

Charmaine Grobler – nominated by Elizabeth Alexander:

During lockdown Charmaine organised food parcels for families that are genuinely struggling and took it upon herself to deliver the parcels at her own cost. She is described as a private person with a heart of gold. If she sees a dog in need she will go and buy dogfood.

Nelmarie Potter – nominated by her husband Douglas Potter:


Just a few years ago Nelmarie was battling stage 3 breast cancer and as a cancer survivor, opened her own company called Omega EHS Consulting. When the lockdown started, her employees couldn’t travel but she still paid them in full. She was concerned about the orphanages, so she pledged to support one orphanage a month as suggested by her church and encouraged others to also donate. When one of her workers told her about the struggles in the community, she supplied food parcels and paid all workers their Christmas bonuses so they can help their extended families.

Yogita Roula – nominated by Malalepu Mofokeng:


Malalepule met Yogita when she ordered masks from him to deliver to households in Sharpeville, Boipatong and Tshepiso Extensions. Yogita is a qualified engineer but is described as soft spoken, shy and good hearted.


Diane James – nominated by Alet Engelbrecht:

Diane is the financial clerk at the SAVF (Suide Afrikaanse Vroue Federasie) Vanderbijlpark Shelter and has been running around to obtain donations and feed homeless people. The shelter has 47 people, including 8 children. Diane has been giving art classes and arranging activities to keep the children busy. She never stops helping, never complains, and works extremely long hours. Diane also assist in feeding scheme at the Saul Tsotetsi Hall where 100 homeless people get fed and looked after.

Tracy Lloyd Swanepoel – nominated by Yvette Wilde:

Tracy has 2 little girls, takes care of an invalid dad and has just completed her qualification as a professional teacher. Yvette says she’s in awe of Tracy’s kindness and compassion towards all living things. She is an incredible animal lover, who has been feeding a colony of feral cats out of her own budget for the last three years. She never misses a meal, she travels to Kopanong Hospital from De Deur to feed them. With all this going on Tracy still makes sandwiches for the poor and destitute children living in her street without asking for funds.

Gail M (Maluga) nominated by Lesego Mpshe:

Gail is a 28-year-old assisting manager of an investment company, owner and director of House of Yada Publications and founder of a non-profit organisation called Girls with a Purpose Foundation. Every Saturday she mentors girls, as well as providing skill development programmes. During lockdown Gail gathered digitally with a group of her acquaintances and a few girls from the foundation. Together they produced a book called “Daddy I’m Yours Until You Hand Me Over”. All funds made from this book will be donated to a matric girl to fund her studies in 2021.

Mapaseka Maketekete –  nominated by Lerato Moanga:

Since the beginning of COVID-19, this police officer has been buying sanitary towels and toiletries out of her own pocket for 10 girls who are unable to afford them. Mapaseka is that kind of woman who doesn’t want to see the Next person without clothes or food, she cooks big pots of soup for the less fortunate people and also buys clothes for those in need.

Linda Jansen van Rensburg – nominated by her son Riaan Jansen van Rensburg: 

Linda works at a charity shop in Vanderbijlpark and runs a baby project to help pregnant mothers in need. She works hard to ensure that families in need get the things requested at the charity shop. During these trying times, she still managed to uplift others. The sponsors of this project are: Nanacoco Professional make-up; Luxliss and Beaver Professional hair products; CC & Co; Rumur Haz; The Styling Loft (Brendan and Lynn); Lamelle; Vaal Mall; Sorbet Vall Maal: DVB Productions (photos); Renita Lombard Productions; SA Music Group; Vaalweekblad and Ster.

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Gugulethu Kgongoane

Gugulethu Kgongoane is the Online Editor of Sedibeng Ster. Email: She is also an online journalist of Vaalweekblad. Email: More »

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