Damelin Vaal moves final year students to Braamfontein campus

Distressed students at the Damelin Vaal Campus recently raised concerns about there being no classes at the campus despite the reopening of the institution on July 06.

VEREENIGING. -Students said that they had tried to engage with management but struggled to get answers as to why there were no classes.

Damelin’s Chief Operating Officer (COO) Michael Thurley says that the FET and higher education has not been exempted from the turmoil and impact of Covid-19.

“Damelin has acted with great urgency, as with the rest of the education sector to ensure that students are able to complete the academic year and be successful in their studies. Given the specific circumstances at the Damelin Vaal campus, a decision had been made to reasonably support the students in their studies.

“In terms of the guidelines provided by the Minister of Higher Education Blade Nzimande only 33% of staff and ex final year students may return to campus for face-to-face tutorial classes combined with continued virtual classes to prepare for completion of their programme and on-campus assessments.

“The Damelin Braamfontein campus has been partially re-opened with some face-to-face tutorial classes for final year students only as permitted by regulations. At this stage, all other students are not permitted to return to campus and are continuing with virtual classes and online assessments on Damelin’s online programme myClass.”

Thurley said that Educor remains committed and proactive in supporting the academic success of all the registered students at Damelin, “Should individual students have specific challenges they have been encouraged to contact Damelin.”

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