
Lack of PPE bemoaned at Phelandaba Cemetery

The family and relatives had to close the grave themselves using spades.

SHARPEVILLE.- A family was infuriated when they found themselves exchanging spades to close a grave of one of their loved one at the Phelindaba Cemetery in Sharpeville over the weekend.
This was after the mourners had to wait more than 25 minutes outside the premises as officials were waiting for the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that was not forthcoming, despite the COVID-19 regulations.
When they were allowed in, the family and relatives had to close the grave themselves using spades, that they exchanged, as a tractor loader backhoe (TLB) had also still not arrived to help with the closure of the grave.
This was not the only COVID-19 regulation broken on the day.
The undertaker, himself, had no PPE’s, except for the mask he was wearing.
The TLB arrived 45 minutes after the burial had been completed and was prevented from entering the cemetery as it was obviously late, and of no use by then. Approached for comment, Motsumi Phale, a Spokesperson of the Vaal Undertakers, had this to say: “Emfuleni municipality is taking our deceased very cheap. The COVID-19 rules do not allow any deceased of that nature to be buried by any persons except those assigned to do so,” said Phale.
The burials of COVID-19 victims at the Phelandaba Cemetery has angered opposition parties and community members alike, with them saying that the victims of the Sharpeville Massacre that are buried there are not respected. The Phelandaba cemetery has not been in use for some time, but a site within the cemetery was recently opened by the ELM, earmarked for COVID-19 victims’ burials.

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