Judge declares all Early Childhood Development Centres open

VANDERBIJLPARK. –  While Grade R learners from departmental schools could return to school today, Early Childhood Development Centres (ECDs) were waiting anxioudsly for the outcome of a court case.

On 6 July 2020, Judge Fabricius declared that all ECDs may open with immediate effect provided the schools adhere to all the prescribed safety rules and regulations.

The plight of the ECDs and the young children were brought before the court by the Solidarity Occupational Guild for Social Workers and the Solidarity Support Centre for Schools (SCS).

Wendy Coetzer from Hero Kids in Vanderbijlpark said they are overjoyed with the news as they were worried about the children. Many of their parents had to return to work, with nobody to look after the toddlers during the day. Several nursery schools and creches in Vanderbijlpark have closed their doors permanently due to the lockdown.

Wendy said they only recently received 60 pages with information on the rules and regulations that ECDs have to follow. It took her and her personnel a while, but they now have everything in place and they are ready for the young ones to return to school.

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