
Red nose remedies for winter

Here are five remedies to help prevent and treat chafing on the nose during the cold winter months

Whether caused by cold, ‘flu or allergies – a red, chapped nose can be uncomfortable and difficult to disguise. Even during lockdown, when working from home may have meant you could wear sweatpants all day, most of us still want to put our best face forward for video meetings and family chats.


“A chapped nose and lips is usually caused by constantly wiping the nose, which irritates and damages the skin and strips away natural moisture,” says Dirna Grobbelaar, Ivohealth’s Oral Hygiene Advisor. To help you look ‘normal’ even when you’re not feeling your best, Dirna has five remedies to help prevent and treat chafing on the nose:


Use the correct wipe – soft tissues or toilet paper, ideally infused with calendula or aloe vera, as these are kinder to the skin. Pat, rather than wipe, and avoid wet wipes which may contain fragrance or chemicals that could further irritate the skin.


Build a barrier – apply a balm, ointment or barrier cream to form a protective ‘seal’ over the skin. Letibalm is specifically designed to protect and repair the delicate skin around the nose and lips, with natural and active ingredients including ancient healing herb centella asiatica, nourishing cocoa butter and vitamin E. Apply regularly, several times a day, including before and after each time you blow your nose.


Keep the nasal passages moist – use a saline spray or homemade solution made with a cup of cool, boiled water and half a teaspoon of salt to flush the nose. Thinning the mucous will mean you blow less often.


Get steamy – steam helps relieve congestion and also moistens nasal passages. Sip hot, steamy soup and herbal teas throughout the day or give yourself a steam bath. Place your face above a bowl of steaming hot water and put a towel over your head to create a ‘steam tent’.


Up your fluid intake – drinking plenty of water and herbal teas helps hydrate your skin and nose from the inside.


“With the COVID-19 pandemic it’s more important than ever to try to avoid becoming ill in the first place. Eat a healthy diet, stay active whilst limiting activity outside the home, maintain social distancing, regularly wash the hands and always wear a mask.”


For more health and oral care advice from Dirna Grobbelaar visit the Ivohealth blog (

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