
Detective Moloi makes a difference in the community on his birthday

"Moloi said that seeing other people suffering and struggling to put bread on the table hurt him."

EVATON. – On the 23 of May every year, his birth-date, Evaton Detective Sergeant, Morena Moloi always prays to God to add more years to his life.

This time around Moloi could not celebrate his birthday at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and the call of duty to help those around his policing precinct.

This past Saturday, under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Ngwenya, he decided that together with his fellow colleagues they would donate food parcels to the needy in Evaton. Moloi said that seeing other people suffering and struggling to put bread on the table during these times hurt him, and that this happens mostly while he is on routine patrol and investigating cases.

“This year my birthday is one of a kind and very emotional because I got to celebrate it with the needy. It is in my human nature to give and change other people’s lives,” he said.

The Evaton Police Station Management said that it is proud of Moloi, and wishes that he continues to serve his community with the dignity and respect it deserves.




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