We are postponing the inevitable!

"All of us have to eventually learn how to live with the new living conditions."

We all know that the world, as we know it, will never be the same!

Everywhere we turn there is the reality that we are faced with something that has changed our lives forever. The world has come to a standstill, our lives have been turned upside down, millions have died and in a way the vulnerability of our existence has been put to the fore.

That being said, life, even though it will never be the same, must go on!

It is with this in mind that I am pleased that our future leaders, our children, the future of South Africa, will return to class and resume with their lessons at the beginning of June. I know that most of us are skeptical and fearful of what might, and might not happen to them (the children) but I believe that we should have faith.

Not allowing our children to go back to school is just postponing the inevitable.

The government has guaranteed that the safety of our children comes first, and that they have put all effort and measures necessary in making sure that they do not put them in harm’s way, and for the sake of the future of our children, I believe we should give them the benefit of the doubt.

A large number of South Africans are not that fortunate enough to can home-school their children, which is a solution that the government has put forward for those that are, or will be refusing to let their children go back to school come June 1.

A fact is that a large number of South Africans cannot even take care of itself, therefore I believe that it is only wise to let our children go back to school after all the necessary safety measures have been put in place. All of us have to eventually learn how to live with the new living conditions, that is under Covid-19.

Countries around the world, some of them Superpowers, have been easing restrictions and have allowed people to return to their lives, however abnormal they may be hence I believe that we have to learn to live with the situation as it is, we can no longer remain in our households and wait for a miracle.

The Department of Education has said that it is working with health professionals and other government departments in making sure that the opening of the schools is done smoothly. Parents have been urged to work closely with schools. School sports will not be permitted as this will increase the chances of infection and undermine efforts of containing virus.  The department has said that when class is dismissed, learners must go home.

All indications are that the preconditions for the reopening of schools will be met, obviously with the number preference being on saving lives. It has become clear that Covid-19 has forced us to rearrange our lives, sad, and scary as it is, life should go on because if not we are truly postponing the inevitable.

Lerato wa ha Serero…

(This is a weekly Editorial Comment by Lerato Serero, Sedibeng Ster’s Editor)



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