Former V’ging head boy and Madiba’s doctor passes away

“Despite Mike being a specialist he was never ‘too important’ to assist anyone who needed urgent medical attention in any situation,” says his cousin Selwyn.


Retha Fitchat

VEREENIGING. – The Nelson Mandela Foundation last week announced the passing of Prof Michael Plit, former physician and close friend of the late President Nelson Mandela, at his home in Johannesburg. He was 83 years old.

Prof Plit, a respected specialist pulmonologist, grew up in the Vaal Triangle and matriculated at Genl Smuts High School in Vereeniging in 1953. He was the first head boy of this school, after it developed as an English medium school out of the (then) dual medium Vereeniging Hoërskool.

The Nelson Mandela Foundation said President Mandela was treated by many medical practitioners “but it was Dr Michael Plit who Madiba called on most”.
“Dr Plit became more of a friend than a hired professional, more of a trusted counsellor than a physician. He was always there for Madiba, through thick and thin. We honour Dr Plit and will not forget him,” the Foundation said in their official announcement.

The late Dr Plit is survived by his wife, Yvonne, a daughter Lisa, two grandsons, Adam and Ethan as well as a number of close relatives who reside in Vereeniging and still play a significant role in the Vaal Triangle’s medical and business circles. One of them is Vereeniging businessman Mr Selwyn Plit, his cousin, with whom he had a close relationship until his passing.

Mr Selwyn Plit told Ster he has many endearing memories of how kind and caring Dr Plit was. “Despite Mike being a specialist he was never ‘too important’ to assist anyone who needed urgent medical attention in any situation.”

Dr Plit will also be fondly remembered by Ms Zelda la Grange, who was Mandela’s personal aide for many years.
She says she met Dr Plit in 1994 when he was a private doctor, specializing in pulmonology at Netcare Millpark.
“Dr Plit would always ready himself when Madiba called. He was never too busy to see him, sometimes at the drop of a hat and to him, Madiba was his utmost responsibility and almost his purpose in life. He was a person on whom Madiba depended greatly, trusted his judgment and always listened to. He was much more than a doctor but also a close friend to Madiba, Mrs Machel and myself. There goes a kind, soft spoken professional and dedicated man who served Madiba and all his patients with exception,” says Zelda.

The late Dr Mike Plit.


Language editing: Carol Pittendrigh


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