Matiking struggles to make profit

SEDIBENG.- Even small businesses struggle to make profit since COVID-19 lockdown.

Sedibeng Ster visited recycling place well known as Matiking in Phase 3 to find how recycling business has been coping since lockdown began. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, Rethabile Khasibe from RMk Waste Recycling said they started working after President Cyril Ramaphosa announced that the country is now moved to Level 4.

He said they have two weeks started working but the business is not as good like before. Khasibe said even the prices of recycling items went down and they are no longer making profit like it was a case before. When Sedibeng Ster arrived at the place there were few trucks coming in and out full of recycling items.

Khasibe says with the lockdown everything is tough and he hasn’t been making any profits.

“Look things have changed because the prices also went down. The buyers dictate prices for us and there is nothing that we can do. You see those people who are busy loading the items in the truck I must pay them regardless how much profit I’m going to make when I sell these. It tough and we don’t make money like it the case before lockdown. We are always told there is money allocated for small businesses but some of us are left out.”

To make it ever worse, Khasibe said he must also pay for the transport that he hired.

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