
WATCH: Covid-19 recovery story

“They saved my life… again”

Mrs Bodill is a familiar and friendly face at Mediclinic Milnerton. At 78 years old, it may not be surprising that she has been admitted on a few previous occasions.

Her medical history at the hospital includes a number of medical interventions including treatment in the ICU, but she feels very strongly about her most recent stay in the hospital.

Mrs Bodill was admitted in early April with shortness of breath. Her care was further complicated as she was discovered to be a COVID-19 patient – she was given the necessary care and put in isolation to ensure her continued recovery. One of her attending doctors, Dr Stephan Schoeman, said that her management included supportive care, oxygen therapy, and very close and consistent monitoring. He was very impressed with Mrs Bodill’s perseverance and positivity during her stay.

What makes this story so inspiring is Mrs Bodill’s desire to spread the word. She loves the hospital and the staff at Mediclinic Milnerton. Her daughter delivered a fruit basket to thank the staff for the care that they deliver on a daily basis. Mrs Bodill told her care team that she wanted to share her story and we are happy to echo her words:

“I am a survivor. I am a miracle. I was truly at death’s door because I was so sick, but my doctor said to me ‘Fight with me and I will see you through’ – and he did. The nurses also fought so hard, the whole staff waged war for me. Everyone is working so hard for the patients here and I want the world to know,” she said, in a voice that sounds like it has survived an enormous battle.

“I have nothing to give them in return except my gratitude. My thanks for every hour that they spent fighting for my life. One night the same doctor was called three times to assist me. Another Dr performed resuscitation to save my life. Each doctor had been open and honest about what was happening with my body. They never lied, they just spoke to me and explained each day what their concerns were, and here I am – a survivor! I am the first COVID-19 patient at this hospital and I want the world to know that while Mediclinic Milnerton may be small, they must never be forgotten for the work they have done,” she declared.

The small voice then demanded something a little more than just local coverage. “I want Uncle Cyril to know that it is the doctors and nurses on the ground that are the true heroes. I want him to acknowledge these special people at every hospital. How they are saving lives – like mine.”

“I also want people to know that you CAN survive. I was very ill, but the staff fought with me. They spent hours helping me. And I have come out on the other side.”

Mrs Bodill has been discharged to recover further at home and is enormously proud of Mediclinic Milnerton – her community hospital and the staff at Mediclinic Milnerton know and love Mrs Bodill in return. She knows their names, and she tells everyone what she personally experienced – that while COVID-19 was not something she considered until she had it – it can be overcome with amazing doctors and nurses on the frontline of the fight.

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