Creches in the dark about opening day

“This means that the majority of ECD operators do not have a source of income during this time."

SEDIBENG.- While much attention and concern has been focused on the education, basic and tertiary, no mention has been made of what is to happen to the many Early Childhood Development (ECD) Centres in the country.

Commonly called Creches, The ECD sector seems to have been neglected, however, the Democratic Alliance (DA) has called on the Minister of Social Development, Lindiwe Zulu, to urgently consider relief funding for the sector during this Covid-19 lockdown.

The party said that Zulu has to date not given any indication if and when the Department of Social Development (DSD) will extend relief funding to the sector that has been hit hard by the Covid-19 lockdown and that due to the current lockdown regulations, ECD centres have had to close their doors.

“This means that the majority of ECD operators do not have a source of income during this time. Not only have the livelihoods of ECD operators and caregivers been impacted, but the children who attend these centres will be affected as well.”

The DA said that according to a recent report, an estimated 20 000 to 30 000 ECD operators run the risk of permanent closure, and close to 1 million children could be impacted should the government fail to extend relief towards the sector.

“The DA has been inundated with queries and concerns from ECD role-players who have raised alarms on Government’s failure to intervene in what could potentially turn into a crisis. There has been no clear communication on whether the ECD sector will be considered for relief during this period and the Department has seemingly turned a blind eye to their valid concerns. The minister must give clarity on when ECD centres are to reopen, because now that we have moved to level 4, many of the parents who are returning to work will need clarity on the care of their children.”












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