Vereeniging resident and World War 2 Veteran, Alan Farrel, passes away

MOTH Alan answered the Sunset call on April 25.


Vaal Triangle resident John van Heerden, a local Member of the Memorable Order of Tin Hats (MOTH) reports:

Vereeniging Bukshee announced that Moth Alan Farrel has answered the Sunset call. Alan passed peacefully away in Vereeniging on 25th April 2020 aged 91.

For those who did not know Alan, he was one of the last of two WW2 Veterans in our area that we are aware of. (The other is Royal Marine Bill Nobile. * Read his letter below).

In this time of enforced isolation, I would ask that we remember Alan and his family.

Rest in Peace Brave and Honourable Soldier!

At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we remember them.

Salute to a Man!


Vereeniging resident Moth Bill Nobile, the last WW2 Veteran in the Vaal Triangle, writes:

Alan Farrel joined the SA Army in 1942 at the age of 16 disguising his age and was put in the famous 6th Armoured Division which earned the approval of United States General Mark Clark, Officer Commanding of all the Allied armies in Italy, for its efficiency in dealing with the enemy.

Alan, along with his fellow South Africans, fought his way up Italy over a period of 18 months, arriving at the Monte Sole area in North Italy early in October 1944. Unknown to the 6th Division, German SS troops were in the area exterminating the local populace on the orders of Hitler. As of that day 1000 people had already been exterminated, men, women and children. 6 Division sent out patrols as was usual, and as they approached Monte Sole they saw a large group of locals surrounded by German SS troops; the patrols immediately fired on the SS, and sending a radio message back to the division for reinforcements. Alan was among them. After a long battle the SS were driven back over the German lines thus saving the lives of the remaining people of Monte Sole.

Apparently the night before, half the population had been massacred by the SS.

In gratitude for their rescue, the road connecting the area with Bologna was named after the SA 6 division, and their rescue is celebrated annually in Monte Sole with street parades and celebrations. In the speeches, the Mayor always thanks the South African troops for their bravery in rescuing the population in those dark days of the war.



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