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No schools will open until our concerns are met: SADTU

"All schools should be fumigated and disinfected, there should be proper school infrastructure in the form of proper toilet facilities and classrooms, there should also be observance of social distancing inside the classrooms and on court yards."

SEDIBENG. – The South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) has said that no schools shall open until its concerns are met.

This is following the Department of education’s announcement that schools will soon reopen, albeit in phases.

Amongst SADTU’s concerns before schools can reopen is that all schools should be fumigated and disinfected, that there should be proper school infrastructure in the form of proper toilet facilities and classrooms, there should be observance of social distancing inside the classrooms and on court yards.

SADTU’s concerns also include  the reduction of class sizes, provision of soap, sanitizers and masks, screening of learners, teachers and support personnel, social distancing in the transportation of learners to and from schools, provision of psychosocial services to assist learners as well as teachers to build resilience and calm down fears among learners and teachers.

“The South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) has noted the presentation by the Director General of Basic Education to the Parliamentary Education Portfolio Committee regarding the reopening of schools. SADTU stands firm on its position which was articulated on Friday that no school shall open until our concerns are met,” a statement from the union said.

“We have called upon everyone to contribute towards the solution but it is now clear that the Department of Basic Education is engaging in bad faith and this is undesirable when we are faced with a virulent and contagious pandemic. We can’t allow them to liquidate our workers and students. We stand firm that no schools shall open until our concerns are met.”

Meanwhile the Basic Education Minister Angie Motshekga is expected to announce the date for a phased-in reopening of schools today. The Basic Education Department initially intended for grade 12s and grade 7 learners to return to school next Wednesday.

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