
Boipatong youngster flourishes in the Czech Republic

“Being an exchange student means stepping out of your comfort zone and learning the difference in cultures across the world. In doing so, you also learn or rather discover more about yourself. You learn about what makes people different and out of all of that, you have a chance at learning a new language. Perhaps this is what I like about being an exchange student.”

A quote from a young man from Boipatong in Vanderbijlpark who is currently in the Czech Republic on a youth exchange programme from Rotary. His name is Sankonki Dibate (17) and he has a remarkable insight and attitude towards life. Sankonki says this life is the same throughout the entire world, it is just a matter of how we behave. He still enjoys his time so far away from home, although the Coronavirus pandemic has brought lots of changes to his daily life. In an email to Ster he wrote: “Due to the global pandemic, the country declared a state of emergency and is keeping us in quarantine until 11 May. Of course, my day to day experience has been affected by this, but I’m trying to make the best out of it. It has also given me a chance to bond with my host family.”

Sankonki exchanging banners with his host Rotary President in the Czech Republic.
One of his highlights so far… a ski trip to Italy with his host family.


Sankonki relaxing with his counsellor and host families.

He realizes that his family and friends in South Africa are worried. “They are still happy about me, but also worried regarding the virus, but I understand, this is typical for every parent”, he said.  “My family and friends are well protected and safe.” For the time being he will be staying in the Czech Republic for the rest of the year as originally planned, unless the situation escalates.

Sankonki is currently in 6th grade (Grade 11 in South Africa) studying Mathematics, Physics, Biology, Geography, Music, Art, Czech, English and Latin. Nine rather difficult subjects! He plays basketball and soccer at school too and in his spare time he reads or play chess. “I have made new friends both at school and where I stay.”  About the people of his host country, he says: “Besides the fact that they respect their beer and history, I just like how kind and welcoming the people are. Almost everywhere I go, I’m always welcomed with open arms.”

Before the state of emergency was declared, he had the chance to go on a ski trip to Italy with his host family which he enjoyed a lot. Another highlight was a weekend away in Třebíč with other exchange students from across the world.

Sankonki said in a special message to our readers: “I advise everyone to stay at home and stay safe. Don’t be ignorant of the magnitude of the problem, because the problem is defined by the magnitude. Wash your hands regularly and try as much as possible to stay away from people.”



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