MEC distributes sanitizers to locals

MEC of Economic Development and Agriculture, Morakane Musupyoe, rolled out sanitization program in the local areas yesterday.

BOIPATONG.- Boipatong’s Winnies Park informal settlement and the Sebokeng Hostel residents came out in numbers when the MEC of Economic Development and Agriculture, Morakane Musupyoe, rolled out sanitization program in their areas yesterday.

This forms part of the Gauteng Provincial Government’s intervention to fundamentally disrupt and combat the spread Covid’19. Musupyoe was accompanied by Ward Councillor, Griffith Mzizi, who said that the focus of the roll out was on the high density dwellings that includes hostels and informal settlements. Musupyoe added that she is happy about the positive response received from the community. She said they managed to at least sanitize half the number of the hostels dwellers.

Local residents received sanitizers from government yesterday.

“We also asked residents to bring their own bottles so that we pour them sanitizers for them so that they can use it at a later stage.”

Musupye said that the rest of the sanitizers were dropped at the municipal office in the Sebokeng hostel so that the community members who could not make it due to the fact that they were mostly at work could fetch it.

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