
Evaton Sports Hub hots development programme

EVATON.- Evaton Sports Hub in conjunction with Imfundo Primary School recently hosted a sports development programme. This was a few days before the nationwide lockdown.

The sporting codes that were part of this development programme includes netball, tennis, basketball and volleyball.
This event was sponsored by KIM Groups from Zone 7. Love Life was one of the stakeholders that formed part of this initiative.
Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Sport Ster, KIM Groups Manager Paul Makhale said that their main objective  was to introduce these sporting activities to the learners.
“We want to create more interest in the learners to participate in these codes. I was overwhelmed by the attendance from the community. The event was a great success and I want to thank all the people who came on board to make this event a success,” Makhale said.

Makhale also said that they plan to continue with these activities on a weekly basis especially on Saturdays at Evaton Sports Hub.
He took this advantage to send the message to the all the athletes training out there to take care of themselves and stay home until the lockdown is over. He said that Covid-19  is not only a government issue and everyone must play their part by staying at home.

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