
Urgent need to intesify safety measures against Corona Virus

President Cyril Ramaphosa on Sunday announced that COVID-19 has been declared a national state of disaster in terms of Disaster Management Act. In his address to the nation, the president stressed the importance of good hygiene and changed behaviour to fight and avoid spreading the virus.

“I want to reaffirm our commitment in partnering with government and NGO’S in a fight against Corona Virus. Our hearts and thoughts go out to the people who have been affected by this unprecedented event and we appreciate the healthcare workers, local communities, and governments around the world who are on the front line working to contain this Corona Virus ”, said the Midvaal Local Municipality Mayor Bongani Baloyi.

The municipality would like to appeal to all its residents to vigilantly monitor the COVID-19 situation around the clock and have precautionary measures in place.

The Mayor wishes to confirm that the municipality has taken extensive and intensive measures to protect both the staff and residents of Midvaal. The following are effective immediately:

  • No public events or gatherings of more than 100 people will be permitted within the jurisdiction of the municipality;
  • May in Midvaal Launch and associated events are cancelled;
  • We discourage our residents from attending mass gathering;
  • Halls, libraries and any other municipal social amenities will be closed;
  • Midvaal 5km colour fun run is cancelled;
  • Preventative measures will be put in place for staff members and those who will be coming to the municipality;
  • We established a multi-departmental Joint Operations Committee within the municipality which will keep abreast of local, regional and international developments to ensure the administrative and political leadership are equipped with current and verifiable information for responsive and responsible actions.

Furthermore, we should spread wisdom by proactively sharing reliable, factual information and guidance. It is our best way of countering the fake news and conspiracy theories that are fuelling mistrust, panic, and reckless behaviour – threatening our collective response to the epidemic.

If we act swiftly, with common purpose, we can limit the effects of the coronavirus on our people and our country.

This will require a collective effort, solidarity and collaboration. We must respond to this common threat with steadfastness and a resolute mind.

If you need more information about the virus, please call The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) general public hotline at 0800-029-999, Monday to Friday, 8am to 4pm.

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