
Tazne van Wyk’s body found in stormwater drain

An investigation into Tazne van Wyk’s disappearance led to the gruesome discovery of the eight-year-old’s body, outside Worcester on Wednesday night.

The eight-year-old Tazne’s body was found in a stormwater pipe, as pointed out by the suspect, police spokesperson Brigadier Novela Potelwa said on Thursday. Tazne disappeared after walking to a shop near her family home earlier this month.

Moehydien Pangaker led detectives to the scene after he was arrested in Cradock in the Eastern Cape.

“Late last night, he pointed the team to a stormwater pipe on the N1 outside Worcester where they discovered the child’s body. He will be charged with murder and appear at the Goodwood magistrates court on Friday,” said Potelwa.

Pangaker has already appeared in court in the Eastern Cape. When he appears in the dock in a Cape Town court on Friday, he’ll be charged with murder.

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