Classroom ceiling collapses at Rust-ter-Vaal school

Learners state that they have to sit on tables or even sit on the floor during classes as there is not enough furniture.

Rust-ter-Vaal. – Tensions are mounting after the collapse of yet another ceiling in one of the classrooms at Rust-ter-Vaal Secondary School, which took place during school hours last week.

Apparently, this is not the only problem experienced at the school. Learners state that they have to sit on tables or even sit on the floor during classes as there is not enough furniture.

“This is further proof on how dangerous the building is for our children. It is pure luck that the collapse of the ceiling took place during a lunch break, otherwise the children could have been injured,” says one parent. It is further reported that not only is the situation unpleasant for learners, but for educators as well. Several educators are even considering leaving the school because of the current situation.

“The Principal told us (the parents) that he ordered the furniture last year. We are shocked that our kids still don’t sit on chairs during classes”. Adding salt to the wound is the slow progress of the building of the new school in the area. “At this point we are hesitant that the deadline will be met, the project is progressing very slowly. It has been on a standstill numerous times since the commencement.”

* No comment was received from the Gauteng Department of Education.

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