Cupcakes of Hope – Ayden’s Story of Hope

Today, February 15, marks International Childhood Cancer Day. It is a global collaborative campaign to raise awareness about childhood cancer. You too can play your part. Go to the Cupcakes of Hope website, register for a party of hope and ‘bake’ a difference in the lives of children suffering with this disease. For more information go to

Please scroll to the bottom to see how anybody can become a Cupcake Angel to help more kids like Ayden!

The fight against cancer is on!
In the fight against any disease, it goes without saying that the earlier you catch it, the more chance you have of surviving. An important part of the national non-profit organisation Cupcakes of Hope’s mission is to raise awareness about childhood cancer. On their website is an informative booklet called an Early Detection Guide that lists the signs to look out for and it is available in all 11 official South African languages.

This is Ayden’s story…. This is also the story of an extra vigilant mother, Michelle van der Merwe, who remembered the Cupcakes of Hope Early Detection Guide and used it to help find out was wrong with her son so that his cancer was found early and this helped Ayden survive.
“I’ve known about the Cupcakes organisation for quite a long time because of National Cupcake Days in the malls and Facebook but you know, if it’s not something that affects you, then you don’t take much notice,” says Michelle.
Towards the end of 2015 she attended a charity event which one of her friends hosted in aid of Cupcakes of Hope and in the goodie bags each guest received the early warning signs booklet.
Here Michelle met Sandy Cipriano, the founder and head of the organisation, went home, put the booklet in a drawer and carried on as normal.
“A few days later Aydi’s glands in his neck were enlarged. I took him to the doctor. He wasn’t too worried and said that I should give it a bit of time and if they don’t reduce back to normal I should bring him back.”
The glands did not go down and other symptoms started showing up such as early morning nausea, night sweats, no appetite and fatigue.
“I remembered about the early warning signs booklet and I fetched it out of the drawer to read it.
As I read I froze and worry began to overwhelm me. I went back to the doctor – with the booklet – and explained my concerns. He referred us to a pediatrician for further tests.
“The three months that followed were a roller coaster nightmare of blood tests, sonars, doctor visits and biopsies that had to be rescheduled. Finally on 21 January 2016 we had the biopsy done. Ayden had T cell, Non Hodgkins Lymphoma. Our world was turned completely upside down as he was admitted to Unitas pediatric oncology and hematology to begin treatment.”
Michelle says without Cupcakes of Hope their journey would not have been possible.
“We have received such support from Cupcakes of Hope. At Ayden’s school they hosted a Party of Hope that raised funds and helped educate other families about the importance of early detection. “When my husband lost his job in November, they helped to pay our medical aid premiums.”
To add to everything, at the time of Ayden’s illness, Michelle said she found out that she was expecting their third child. And so Ayden, his sister Mikaila and the family welcomed baby Mason born in 2017.
Michelle said while Ayden received treatment was the most difficult part. “You have a little seven year-old boy who knows he is sick, but doesn’t realise HOW sick he is. He knows he has to be brave – he doesn’t have a choice. And you need to keep him positive and you need to be strong for him.”
Currently life has come back to normality but Ayden must still go for blood tests and checkups.
“The kids love it when the Cupcake Angels visit the hospitals with goodies and cupcakes. They don’t judge you. They are just there for you. We had the most fantastic oncologists, who became like family to us. They make the journey easier. You feel like there is someone who knows what you are going through. “
Ayden is turning 12 years old in June who enjoys playing on his Playstation, fishing and riding his bike. He is enjoying a healthy life getting up to mischief

Sandy Cipriano of Cupcakes of Hope says she is so grateful that the leaflet with the early warning signs of childhood cancer landed in Michelle’s hands as early detection can help save a child’s life. Unfortunately a lot of children get mis-diagnosed or diagnosed too late, so they miss out on receiving the much needed lifesaving treatment that they so desperately need to help save their lives. Sandy encourages schools and companies to host an awareness event for little cancer patients. “January was a very busy month for Cupcakes of HOPE as we registered 19 new patients on our books and helped exactly 100 patients by paying for their medical and day-to-day expenses. A big thank you to every single person who baked for our different events, this is by far the SWEETEST way to help save a life”.

For more information on how you can become a cupcake angel visit or email You too can play your part. Go to the Cupcakes of Hope website, register for a party of hope and ‘bake’ a difference in the lives of children suffering with this disease. For more information go to

Sandy Cipriano,, who founded Cupcakes for Kids with Cancer and Cupcakes of Hope in Vereeniging some years ago. Her organisations have since expanded nationally.

Report uploaded by Retha Fitchat on 15 Feb 2020

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