Is it autism or is my child just being naughty?

Have you ever seen a child in the shopping centre kicking and screaming? Have you seen a child closing his ears while walking? Have you seen adults with earphones in their ears while shopping? Ever wondered why the parents have no control over such a child... where is the discipline... what has happened to society?

Have you ever seen a child in the shopping centre kicking and screaming? Have you seen a child closing his ears while walking? Have you seen adults with earphones in their ears while shopping? Ever wondered why the parents have no control over such a child… where is the discipline… what has happened to society?
Before judging, stop and ask the question: How much do I know about Autism Spectrum Disorder? ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterised by persistent deficits in social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and restricted and repetitive behaviour. ASD is a lifelong condition which has its origin before birth. It is a very complex condition which presents very differently from person to person.
A short summary of common signs that an individual with autism may present with:
• Poor communication skills
• Lack of social skills
• Sensory processing such as sensitivity to sound, light, touch, taste, smell and other (co-morbid).
• Temper tantrums
• May appear uncontrolled and undisciplined
• Meltdowns
• Delayed speech
• Delayed developmental milestones
• Obsessive compulsive behaviour (co-morbid condition)
• ADHD (co-morbid condition)
• Struggles with the understanding of others’ emotions
• Struggles to regulate and understand own emotions
• May appear unsympathetic to others
• Repeats words or phrase (echolalia)
• Restricted interests
• Repetitive behaviours
Individuals with autism have difficulty processing every day sensory information. All of the eight senses can be over or under sensitive or it might present as both which will result in serious behavioural difficulties. Unintegrated sensory processing will result in temper tantrums, meltdowns, and unexplained reactions and behaviour. An individual with autism perceives the world differently to a neurotypical individual and reacts differently in situations that might otherwise present as unexplained behaviour. Early intervention is KEY!
Piece of Mind Centre for Learners with Autism and Different Abilities believes in the holistic teaching of each learner. We have an Individual Education Programme for each child, combined with their academic programme, drama, science, gross and fine-motor programme, ball skills, art and sensory programme and many more. We believe that an autistic individual must not be treated any differently than a neurotypical individual as they have the same (if not more) abilities when early intervention is implemented. Next time you see a family struggling with an “undisciplined” child, stop and consider that you might be witnessing the bravest family for taking their child out into a judging world.
Call Piece of Mind Centre at 1 Bonteberg Street, Vaalpark, or call them on 063 293 7163, or visit for more info.
* Expert information provided by Leandri Hallatt and Monique Freislich.

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