Sebokeng initiation tragedy raises death toll

Following the death of yet another young initiate, the Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa has expressed outrage.

The Congress of Traditional Leaders of South Africa has condemned the latest death resulting from unscrupulous initiation practitioners, confirming that 23-year-old man from Sedibeng had passed away on Christmas Eve. According to organisation, police have arrested the initiation school owner in connection with the young man’s death.

This is a second death at an illegal initiation school in Gauteng this month.

A few days ago 16-year-old Mpho Mothupi from Sebokeng zone 10 died after sustaining injuries at an illegal initiation school in Lenasia. Gauteng police spokeswoman Brigadier Mathapelo Peters said police had opened an inquest docket after of a teenager’s body was found on 18 December in Lenasia.

23 initiates were taken to hospital after another bogus school in Vanderbijlpark was shut down.

The CRL Commission has previously urged community stakeholders to do all they can to protect the lives of initiates.

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