
R241 million allocated for cleaning-up Vaal River

The Department of Water and Sanitation in Gauteng has allocated R241 million for cleaning-up operations at the Vaal River.

Work to clean up the pollution cause by the spillage of raw sewerage is expected to begin in December.

During a press conference held in Vanderbijlpark today, the chairman of the ministerial rapid response task team, Thami KaPlatjie told reporters that the purpose of the intervention by the national and provincial government, is to curb the pollution caused by spillages of raw sewage into the Vaal River.

The continued spillages are having a negative environmental and health impact on the community, including on the socio-economic growth of investment of the local businesses.

The provincial government has appointed the Ekurhuleni Water Care Company, for cleaning the sewage network and pump stations, with the assistance of the South African National Defence Force.

In November, Deputy President David Mabuza announced that R1.1 billion is required from Treasury to deal with pollution in the river.

KaPlatjie concluded by saying this intervention will make a great impact on fixing the problems.

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