Midvaal municipality hires new meter reading team

Ratlhakgane states that in terms of the by-laws, the municipality is entitled to disconnect the supply of services as a result of customers' failure to pay for services.

MIDVAAL. – Midvaal Local Municipality recently announced the hiring  of a new meter reading team. The team is said to consist of  highly skilled and experienced personnel looking forward to ensuring efficiency in their new role.

Media Liaison Officer Simon Ratlhakgane says, “The municipality pleads with all rate payers to allow our meter readers access to their properties. If access is denied, this will result in the municipality not being able to bill those customers on actual readings but on estimates.”

Ratlhakgane states that in terms of the by-laws, the municipality is entitled to disconnect the supply of services as a result of customers’ failure to pay for services.

Meter readings are done on a monthly basis. If no payment was received by the 7th of the month, Notices will be sent out to customers in terms of the Credit Control Policy. ” Please note that a warning notice fee will be levied on your account. All rate payers are advised to compare their weekly readings against their municipal accounts.”

Useful tips for property owners to ensure there are no leaks:

Residents can send  their meter readings to the following email: readings@midvaal.gov.za.


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