Re Mmoho to honour athletic legend

SEDIBENG.- Re Mmoho Athletes Organisation will honour one of the great runners, Petrus Mohalajeng, in December for his contribution in athletics. This was revealed to Sedibeng Ster Sport by the organisation’s founder, Toma Tsotetsi, who was also a great runner during his days as an athlete. Tsotetsi said people like Mohalajeng need to be honoured and acknowledged while they’re …

SEDIBENG.- Re Mmoho Athletes Organisation will honour one of the great runners, Petrus Mohalajeng, in December for his contribution in athletics.
This was revealed to Sedibeng Ster Sport by the organisation’s founder, Toma Tsotetsi, who was also a great runner during his days as an athlete.
Tsotetsi said people like Mohalajeng need to be honoured and acknowledged while they’re alive and not when they have departed from this world. He said that Mohalajeng deserves to be honoured for his impact and contribution towards children and the community in large within the field of sports.
Mohalajeng is one of the oldest athletes who is still actively running at the age of 56 years, he is going strong in the veteran categories and won several races.
“As Re Mmoho Athletes Organisation we want to honour the athletes who played a role in the development of athletics in this country and Mr Mohalajeng is one of them. This man is still running despite his age and his age is misleading taking into consideration that he still won races in the
veteran category,” said Tsotetsi. Mohalajeng said that he feels honoured and grateful to be regarded with great respect for his contribution in
athletics. He said that it means a lot to him to see that there are people out there who noticed his contribution in athletics.
“I’m speechless, I don’t know what to say but at the same time I feel very excited to receive this good news that I will be honoured for my contribution in this sport. I want to thank Re Mmoho Athletes Organisation for honouring me as this means a lot to me and my family,” he said.

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