Smart Meter crisis “was preventable” – Business slams ELM

The smart meter electricity supply crisis “was entirely preventable” and came about due to complete lack of caring and planning by ELM, according to the Golden Triangle Chamber of Commerce (GTCoC)

Smart Meter crisis “was preventable” – Business slams ELM

By Craig Kotze
The smart meter electricity supply crisis “was entirely preventable” and came about due to complete lack of caring and planning by ELM, according to the Golden Triangle Chamber of Commerce (GTCoC).
Business has now also demanded accountability from “incompetent and uncaring” senior ELM officials who allowed a predictable crisis to develop and break but still did nothing.
The sharp reaction of organised business in the Vaal comes as complaints about electricity supply flooded social media and local media – but many residents and businesses complained ELM officials did not respond to complaints and requests for information.
“This situation is completely unacceptable but was entirely preventable. ELM simply did nothing to ensure continuity and security of supply even after the smart meter contractor, BXCSA, warned the public their contract was coming to an end,” said an angry GTCoC President Stefan Olivier.
Municipal sources informed Vaalweekblad that ELM officials only negotiated a three month extension to the smart meter contract with BXCSA the week after BXCSA had already announced termination for June 15.
Olivier said ELM should have sorted out all technical handover issues on a pro-active basis months before termination of the contract – especially since it was known that ELM itself also wanted to end the BXCSA contract before the contractor did so itself.
“The result is that business confidence in the Vaal has taken a further knock and both residents and businesses with smart meters have suffered.
Municipal Manger Dithaba Oupa Nkoane did not respond to requests for comment on the present crisis and Municipal spokesperson Stan Gaba did not respond either.
No BXCSA spokesperson was available for comment.
The GTCoC has severely criticised ELM in recent months on its failure to communicate with the media, public and stakeholders on issues of major public interest and concern.
“The GTCoC has repeatedly asked ELM to announce its intentions with regard to the smart meter programme months before contract termination.
“The same is now happening across the board regarding all ELM core business – from evacuation of its own employees from its Revenue Centre in the OK Building – this has happened twice – to what is happening on the Vaal River sewage pollution crisis,” said Olivier.

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