Another tragedy: Dachshund kicked and stabbed

Report domestic violence to SPCA when animals suffer too

Report domestic violence to SPCA when animals suffer too

The SPCA in Bloemfontein posted this article last week:

Domestic violence in South Africa extends beyond family members. Sometimes animals also get hurt. This was the case with this beautiful dachshund – he was kicked and stabbed.
The poor dog was brought to our premises in the middle of the night. An anonymous note accompanied the dog in which it was stated that the persons could not afford to help the dog. We took Blue to the veterinarian immediately. Sadly, due to the high volumes of blood that Blue had lost and the internal damage caused by the wounds, the road to recovery would be long. Nevertheless, Blue went into the operating room, where unfortunately he suffered a heart attack.
We really wanted to save this dog to offer him a better future.
Please report domestic violence to the SPCA when animals suffer too.

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