
Sedibeng k9 unit arrests suspect with unlicensed fire arm

Sedibeng k9 unit arrests suspect with unlicensed fire arm

W/O Martin Seaman – Sedibeng Flying Squad

On Monday 10 June at about 10:30 Sedibeng K9 members deployed at Sophiatown for crime prevention duties against gangsterism

While patrolling around Westbury near police station Constable Motaung and Constable Mohlala spotted a white Male carrying a pump action shotgun on a public road. Suspect was approached tactically and searched and was asked for a licence or permit to be in possession of a firearm unfortunately the suspect failed to produce a licence or permit. The shotgun was seized and the suspect was arrested for unlawful possession of a firearm and detained at Sophiatown police station. The shotgun and (05) five rounds of ammunition was handed in as exhibits.

The case is still under investigation.

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